- Workers are employed in accordance with the procedures and principles specified in the law.
- Our employees apply for a job of their own free will within the framework of our business rules and refuse to leave the job of their own free will. they decide.
- It is our company's responsibility to fulfill occupational health and safety conditions, raise awareness of employees and provide appropriate working conditions and environments.
- Equal opportunities are offered to employees and no discrimination is made. While determining the job distribution, remuneration and promotion status of the employees, no decision is made based on religious belief, language, race, color, ethnicity, external appearance, age, political and world view, marital status, gender, and their contribution to business processes is completely determined. The decision is made taking into account.
- The personality and dignity of our employees are respected. Among the employees, ill-treatment, psychological, verbal or physical abuse against other employees is never allowed and corporate punishment methods are applied.
- Business planning is done with reasonable working hours, taking into account the maximum working hours as stated in the laws and regulations. . Overtime work is done on a voluntary basis.
- The wages of our employees over normal working wages and overtime wages determined by laws and collective bargaining agreements It is paid and provides the social benefits specified in the contract.
- In accordance with the legislation on the prevention of environmental pollution in force, taking into account environmental dimensions and impact assessment preventive measures are implemented.
- Customs-related local and international regulations are complied with and goods without notice that may violate safety while shipping their products. and takes measures to prevent illegal shipments.
- Based on occupational and worker safety standards and criteria, and aiming to improve and develop the social performance of supply chains , is Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) certified and audited.
Social Responsibility
Erdim Tekstil adopts the understanding of working that values people and adopts the principle of "people first". Operates. Article 50 of the Constitution “No one can do anything that does not suit their age, gender and power. cannot be run. Working conditions for minors and women and those with physical and mental disabilities Article 56 “Everyone in a healthy and balanced environment has the right to live.”.